Monday, December 2, 2013

Gratitude and perspective

As the calendar year draws to a close, and we celebrate holidays with friends and family, I've found myself more and more motivated to write a blogpost about giving thanks.  A lot has happened since we became BWI of Atlanta last October, and much of it could not have happened without the support of the babywearing community, friends, and family.

First and foremost I'd like to thank all the people who keep Babywearing International of Atlanta funded - the members.  Without our members we can't have a lending library.  That is the biggest draw for anyone joining this organization.  Our lending library has mushroomed and it's all because of people joining and paying dues.  All of the educators at BWI of Atlanta are volunteers, which means that 100% of the chapter's share of dues go straight towards the lending library or advertising.

Of course, we can't have a lending library without the vendors and manufacturers that donate carriers to us or sell us carriers at a discount.  If you've been a longtime reader of this blog you will not be surprised to hear that Jennifer Harris of Marsupial Mamas has been instrumental in helping us build our lending library.  The vast majority of our wraps have come from Marsupial Mamas and I could not ask for a more wonderful, generous person with whom to do business.  When we are in need, I turn to Jen first.  She comes through every time.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

IBW sponsor shout-out

Pavo Textiles has made International Babywearing Week an extra special one for us this year.  Much love goes out to Jen and Erin for working tirelessly to support the babywearing community and provide an American-made, beautifully designed, high-quality product.

Image credit Malia Drake

Image credit Malia Drake

Pavo S.T.I.C.K. bags also make it easy to remember the cardinal safety rules for babywearing:

  • Supported back
  • Tight
  • In view at all times
  • Close enough to kiss
  • Keep chin off chest
Happy International Babywearing Week, with thanks to Pavo Textiles!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

IBW Membership Drive

Membership drive details!

The drive runs from Sunday, 9/29 through Saturday, 10/12.  Any new or renewing members that join during the drive will get double the number of bids for the members-only giveaway.  Existing members will get 15, but new and renewing members will get 30!

To be very clear for others, purchasing a membership is the only way to gain bids for giveaway prizes.  Bids are a part of the membership package.  If you would like to donate to BWI of Atlanta, you are of course welcome to (donations may be written off) and anyone who donates will receive a voucher good for a members-only event.

What are you waiting for?  Join us!  Resistance is futile.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

International Babywearing Week 2013

International Babywearing Week 2013 is around the corner!  This year, IBW runs from October 7th to October 13th.  Just like last year, BWI of Atlanta has a ton of events planned all around the metro area (head over to for a full schedule).

A lot has happened since our last update.  One important thing is... we finally have a website!  Our membership drive gave us enough funds to purchase our domain and hosting space and finally build our home on the web. is our little homestead on the Interwebs.  Please check it out!  It has a lot of information.  This is an understatement.

We've also welcomed two new VBEs to the fold.  Priscila and Malia joined us in August and we're thrilled to have them!

As for our #IBW2013 celebration (Tweeps, Instagrammers and other hashtag addicts, this is the official hashtag), here's a little preview of what we've got going on:

  • BWI meetings at Wilson Family Chiropractic and Baby Love
  • Micro photoshoots at The Solarium and Marietta Square
  • Playdate and picnic at Piedmont Park (try saying that 5 times fast)
  • A Dance Your Baby session
  • Marietta Square shop crawl (I cannot believe this event is going to happen)
  • A ton of giveaways for our BWI members and Facebook group members, including a gift certificate to New Baby Products
  • Membership drive!
  • Photospam day on Facebook
  • Pumpkin patch trip
  • Picnic at the Gwinnett Historic Courthouse
There are going to be lots of prizes given away so be sure to join the Facebook group to see what they are.  In addition, members will get access to members-only giveaways.  It's our way of saying thank you for the contributions and support.  Stay tuned for details of the membership drive!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Looking For a Few Good Moms (or Dads!)

BWI of Atlanta is growing, and we need your help!  Want to become more involved in Babywearing International of Atlanta? Become a Volunteer Member or Volunteer Babywearing Educator!

As a non-VBE Volunteer Member, you can assist by coordinating events, set-up, hospitality and greeting members, and helping with library checkouts.  All volunteers must be active, dues-paying members of BWI of Atlanta. 
To volunteer, please contact us at

VBEs lead our babywearing meetings, teach at meetings, workshops and outreach events, and assist with administrative duties.  VBEs have passed a written and practical examination administered by a BWI Master Babywearing Educator, and have been accredited by Babywearing International.

To become a BWI of Atlanta VBE you must:
  •         Have been a BWI member for a minimum of 6 months.
  •          Have experience wearing both babies and toddlers in a variety of carriers. 
  •         Have experience teaching babywearing.
  •         Volunteers interested in becoming VBEs help at meetings with new membership forms and fees, greeting, etc.
  •         VBE Trainees will have the opportunity to shadow a VBE at meetings.
  •         We can assist with additional training sessions for VBE hopefuls as needed.

Some of the benefits of accreditation through Babywearing International are a solid and well-rounded background on the 4 basic styles of babywearing (1 shouldered carriers, wraps, Asian baby carriers and soft structured carriers), more emphasis on practical application than other programs and the ability to receive your accreditation while you study the portions of babywearing that you are passionate about.

Our accredited educators receive continuing education on a monthly basis, support from Babywearing International in regards to group growth and library additions and liability insurance to protect you while you teach.

If you are interested in beginning the process of becoming a VBE, please contact us at or speak with one of our VBE Officers (Kate, Aisling, or Michelle).

Friday, July 26, 2013

August meeting schedule and summer round-up

I know you've all been waiting on tenterhooks to hear the results of our June membership drive.  I have to apologize for not updating this blog in some time, but as it turned out I had a baby in mid-June (who knew?) and have been on a steady diet of coffee, optimism and hope since then.

Let's get the really important stuff out of the way first.  August is almost here!  July has flown by.  BWI of Atlanta is having its usual three meetings in August, and hopefully soon will be adding a fourth in Gwinnett County.

Our regular Saturday meeting will be August 10th from 10 - 12 at The Solarium in Decatur.  Why not August 3rd?  Because on August 3rd BWI of Atlanta is making a special appearance at The Big Latch-On!  Babywearing and breastfeeding go together quite well so we'll be representing ourselves at that event.

Our regular Friday meeting will be August 9th from 11 - 1 at Harry's Whole Foods in Marietta.

Our regular Monday meeting will be August 12th August 19th from 10 - 12 at New Baby Products in Atlanta.

Onto the results!  Our members came through and the drive was a huge, and I mean HUGE success.  We gained over 50 new members and more members are still joining.  We've been putting that money to good use.  We were able to get the following:

- BWI of Atlanta membership cards for all members
- BWI of Atlanta static cling decals for all members joining or renewing during the drive
- 2 keep calm and wear your baby t-shirts
- A $25 gift voucher to Comfy Joery
- A $50 gift voucher to
- Sleeping Baby Productions ring sling
- Kalea Baby ring sling
- Standard/standard Kinderpack with kool knit
- Chimparoo mei tai
- Babyhawk Oh Mei! half-buckle mei tai
- Didymos Jack size 6
- Lenny Lamb bamboo rainbow size 6
- Didymos bleu nino size 4
- Natibaby hemp blue/green clovers size 6
- Infantino wrap and tie
- Vatanai Koira 4.5m
- Vatanai Orkney 4.5m
- Vatanai Glaciar 3m
- Wrapsody Bali Stretch Alyssa
- Pikkolo

I am blown away by how many members joined us and how we have been able to expand the library.  Checkouts are at an all-time high and people are spreading the word about Babywearing International of Atlanta.  All thanks to our members!

There are more things to talk about, like the wrap workshop and the upcoming carrier-specific members-only workshops, but I think this blog post is long enough and I will leave the rest for later.  See you at the meeting!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

It just got easier to join BWI of Atlanta

Guys, say farewell to the clunky old system of downloading and filling out a PDF membership form (unless you enjoy using pen and paper, in which case we will still have paper forms for you to fill out at meetings).  Say HELLO! to the new online form, available right here:

Fill it out, submit dues via Paypal (, cash, or check and you are done.  So done.  So set until next year.

Oh... look at that.  I'm adding a Paypal button!

BWI of Atlanta Dues

Monday, June 10, 2013

A challenger appears!

BWI of Atlanta is only on day 2 of the June membership drive and already we have a new challenge on the table!  We're opening with a bang.

At 5 memberships, BWI of Atlanta will be able to purchase 2 new ring slings for the lending library and provide info cards for all members to carry around.  In addition, a $25 gift voucher to Comfy Joey will be raffled off to our first 5 new or renewing members.  That's a 20% chance that you will be selected out of a pool of 5 people!  Contribute $30 for the whole year, and immediately receive $25 back.  Is it me, or does this sound like a sweet deal?

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June Membership Drive

It's time for another membership drive!

But wait, you say.  We just had one last October for International Babywearing Week.  We have to hear the sales pitch again?

Well, yes.  Like public radio, we are run through memberships.  But this membership drive is a bit different, and if it's successful, will set the tone for future membership drives.  How is it different, you ask?

For the entire month of June, Babywearing International will let all chapters keep 100% of membership dues.

Normally, when we receive membership dues, half of the dues are remitted to the mothership, and we keep the other half.  But in order to grow our chapters and expand our libraries, headquarters has generously allowed us to keep everything for this month.  Imagine being given twice as much allowance for the next 22 days!  That's 200% of normal proceeds!  We need to jump on this now!

Okay, you say.  That's really awesome for you.  Here's the rub, though.  Why should I join BWI?  What makes this so compelling that I should just shove my money into your face?

Why should you join Babywearing International?  Why, indeed?  Dear reader, here's why.  Please imagine this in your best Ira Glass voice.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

July Decatur meeting cancelled...

Due to the holiday weekend, we have elected to cancel our July 6th meeting at The Solarium in Decatur.  All other regularly scheduled meetings will still be held in July.  Here is our schedule of meetings:

Friday July 12th - Harry's Farmers Market in Marietta from 10-12
Monday July 15th - New Baby Products on Cheshire Bridge Road from 10-12

We also are teaming up with the Gwinnett County Babywearers and will keep you posted about their next meeting time/location.  Coming soon we will be adding them to our Chapter as we expand across the Atlanta area and reach out to grow our membership base, teach and certify more VBE's and become a cohesive group!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Next meeting: 5/4/13

April was a whirlwind of activity but it looks like May is going to be just as busy. Here are the upcoming meetings:

- Saturday, May 4th at the Solarium in Decatur from 10-12
- Friday, May 10th at Harry's Whole Foods in Marietta from 11-1
- Monday, May 20th at New Baby Products in Atlanta from 10-12

We've got a bonus meeting this month.  Actually, it isn't a meeting - it's a class.  BWI of Atlanta is pleasantly chuffed to be offering a workshop on shorties led by Aisling and yours truly!  With warm weather coming up, we'd all love to be wearing less, and that includes our wraps.  Short wraps have been used around the world for centuries.  They're economical, lightweight, and traditional.  Why not learn how to use them?  Wrap workshop: Shorties 101 will commence at New Baby Products on Tuesday, May 7th from 1:30 - 2:30.  No shorty, no problem!  We'll have some there.

If our class is successful, we'd be happy to offer a continuing series or repeats of the class around the Atlanta metro area.  I'm looking forward to laying a lesson plan out and getting some teaching on next week!  Having a large repertoire of carries has been one of my passions when it comes to wraps, and other than being a mom, my day job is as a teacher, so when hobby meets career passion, it's a beautiful thing.  I'm excited!  We'll be covering the following topics:

- Slipknots
- No-sew ring slings
- Rebozo
- Simple hip carry
- Half-Jordan's back carry

If there's time, or if the class is particularly skilled, we will also cover knotless ruck.

As always, see you all at the meetings!

Monday, April 8, 2013


April is just packed with meetings in a short timespan.  We have three meetings coming up this weekend/early next week!

The next Marietta meeting will be Friday, April 12th at Harry's Whole Foods Market from 11-1.

The next Decatur meeting will be Saturday, April 13th at the Solarium from 10-12.

The next Atlanta meeting will be Monday, April 15th at New Baby Products on Cheshire Bridge Road from 10-12.

If you want to know more about upcoming meetings, please join our Facebook page ( or check out our Google Calendar (  Please do not join the old Atlanta Babywearers Facebook page.  That page is now defunct and no more new members nor posts will be added.

See you guys at the meetings!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Next Saturday Meeting: 3/2/13

BWI of Atlanta's next Saturday meeting is this Saturday, March 2nd, from 10 am to 12 pm at the Solarium!

We've gotten some questions and comments previously about not being able to stay for the full two hours.  I wanted to reassure everyone that there has never been a time requirement for the meetings.  The leaders are there for two full hours (and sometimes not even, since one of us has a conflict on Mondays or Saturdays) but everyone else is welcome to stay for as long as they are able, whether it's 15 minutes or 2 hours and then some.  We'll be here to help, no matter what!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Next meeting: 2/2/13

Our Saturday meeting has returned!  BWI of Atlanta is meeting this Saturday, February 2nd from 10-12 at the Solarium in Decatur.  See you there!

In other news, I have been working on the new Facebook page, which hopefully will be ready for migration after this Saturday's meeting.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Next meeting: Monday, 1/21/13

Is it that time again?  It is!  BWI of Atlanta's next meeting will be Monday, January 21st from 10-12 at New Baby Products on Cheshire Bridge Road.  We'll see you there!

In other news, we have been officially announced by BWI as BWI of Atlanta!  We've been waiting for this for a long, long time and we're so excited finally to be under the BWI umbrella.  This gives us more access to carriers for our lending library, and more promo for us as a group.  Soon we'll be changing our names, officially, from Atlanta Babywearers to Babywearing International of Atlanta.  We'll even have a shiny new logo to put on the blog.

Becoming BWI of Atlanta also allows other babywearing groups in the area to come shelter under our eaves, since the bulk of the work has already been done by us truly.  So it's very possible that in the years to come, we'll have a BWI of Cobb County, or a BWI of Gwinnett.  The more the merrier, I say!