Thursday, June 13, 2013

It just got easier to join BWI of Atlanta

Guys, say farewell to the clunky old system of downloading and filling out a PDF membership form (unless you enjoy using pen and paper, in which case we will still have paper forms for you to fill out at meetings).  Say HELLO! to the new online form, available right here:

Fill it out, submit dues via Paypal (, cash, or check and you are done.  So done.  So set until next year.

Oh... look at that.  I'm adding a Paypal button!

BWI of Atlanta Dues

Monday, June 10, 2013

A challenger appears!

BWI of Atlanta is only on day 2 of the June membership drive and already we have a new challenge on the table!  We're opening with a bang.

At 5 memberships, BWI of Atlanta will be able to purchase 2 new ring slings for the lending library and provide info cards for all members to carry around.  In addition, a $25 gift voucher to Comfy Joey will be raffled off to our first 5 new or renewing members.  That's a 20% chance that you will be selected out of a pool of 5 people!  Contribute $30 for the whole year, and immediately receive $25 back.  Is it me, or does this sound like a sweet deal?

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June Membership Drive

It's time for another membership drive!

But wait, you say.  We just had one last October for International Babywearing Week.  We have to hear the sales pitch again?

Well, yes.  Like public radio, we are run through memberships.  But this membership drive is a bit different, and if it's successful, will set the tone for future membership drives.  How is it different, you ask?

For the entire month of June, Babywearing International will let all chapters keep 100% of membership dues.

Normally, when we receive membership dues, half of the dues are remitted to the mothership, and we keep the other half.  But in order to grow our chapters and expand our libraries, headquarters has generously allowed us to keep everything for this month.  Imagine being given twice as much allowance for the next 22 days!  That's 200% of normal proceeds!  We need to jump on this now!

Okay, you say.  That's really awesome for you.  Here's the rub, though.  Why should I join BWI?  What makes this so compelling that I should just shove my money into your face?

Why should you join Babywearing International?  Why, indeed?  Dear reader, here's why.  Please imagine this in your best Ira Glass voice.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

July Decatur meeting cancelled...

Due to the holiday weekend, we have elected to cancel our July 6th meeting at The Solarium in Decatur.  All other regularly scheduled meetings will still be held in July.  Here is our schedule of meetings:

Friday July 12th - Harry's Farmers Market in Marietta from 10-12
Monday July 15th - New Baby Products on Cheshire Bridge Road from 10-12

We also are teaming up with the Gwinnett County Babywearers and will keep you posted about their next meeting time/location.  Coming soon we will be adding them to our Chapter as we expand across the Atlanta area and reach out to grow our membership base, teach and certify more VBE's and become a cohesive group!