Friday, October 10, 2014

One Less Thing

Here's a blogpost from our second guest, Kate Black.  We first met Kate last year, shortly after her little one was born.  Since then she's become a strong part of our community and we couldn't imagine BWI of Atlanta without her!

Picture this: two adults, one infant, two 90 pound dogs and all of our trappings (including a bazillion toys) tightly packed into our car for a week's vacation ("vacation"?) at my mother-in-law's. We packed the playpen, discovered just how much room cloth diapers really do take up, loaded the dogs in the back of our Honda Pilot and stood looking at each other.

"Do we need it?"


"Well, we're going to the zoo.."

"I'll wear him at the zoo; he can see much better."

"So, we really don't need a stroller?"


My husband looked at me uncertainly.

We have made the drive to Miami from Atlanta four times in my son's sixteen months. Not one of those times did we bring a stroller, and I have never regretted it.

Babywearing in Miami? You'd better believe it! To the zoo, Vizcaya, Matheson Hammock, South Beach, Biscayne Bay, the Perez Art Museum, and, of course, the grocery store. Our wraps and SSC have been a source of constancy amidst new surroundings.  They have been a sun shade, hammock, a fort, and beach blanket, and they take up far less room than a stroller ever could. Yeah, it’s hot.  But, you know, strapping another human to you is bound to be hot, right?

Babywearing on the road is really no different than it is at home, with the exception of not having the stroller to lug the diaper bag, lunch, extra clothing, and whatever else I cram onto the stroller at home. Instead, babywearing on the road offers extra opportunities to snuggle, an opportunity to see the barnyard animals from a safe distance, and one less thing to pack. Which, after packing for two adults, one kid and two dogs, I will take one less thing!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Traveling Light

This guest blog is by one of BWI of Atlanta's members, Zarya Alexandra Rubin. This is our first post in a guest blogging series that will help restart BWI of Atlanta's blog!  International Babywearing Week this year is all about sharing the adventure, and our globetrotter Zarya is no stranger to travel.

I'm packing for another trip. The suitcase is full and I still have essential laundry in the dryer, so I'm probably going to have to do the unthinkable and take a second bag. I used to pride myself on traveling light - I once made a year-long solo voyage across Europe with nothing but a single backpack. It was my mission to squeeze it all in and still make carry-on status.

I later became an expert executive traveler: suits, dressy evening wear, was all about the shoes. Whittling my choices down to five pairs was actually quite a challenge. Shoes did me in.

Of course that was long before I had babies...and wraps. Now my packing dilemmas center around which wraps do I bring? How do I stuff them in carefully? How can I leave any of them behind? What if, god forbid, THEY LOSE MY LUGGAGE?