Saturday, August 10, 2013

Looking For a Few Good Moms (or Dads!)

BWI of Atlanta is growing, and we need your help!  Want to become more involved in Babywearing International of Atlanta? Become a Volunteer Member or Volunteer Babywearing Educator!

As a non-VBE Volunteer Member, you can assist by coordinating events, set-up, hospitality and greeting members, and helping with library checkouts.  All volunteers must be active, dues-paying members of BWI of Atlanta. 
To volunteer, please contact us at

VBEs lead our babywearing meetings, teach at meetings, workshops and outreach events, and assist with administrative duties.  VBEs have passed a written and practical examination administered by a BWI Master Babywearing Educator, and have been accredited by Babywearing International.

To become a BWI of Atlanta VBE you must:
  •         Have been a BWI member for a minimum of 6 months.
  •          Have experience wearing both babies and toddlers in a variety of carriers. 
  •         Have experience teaching babywearing.
  •         Volunteers interested in becoming VBEs help at meetings with new membership forms and fees, greeting, etc.
  •         VBE Trainees will have the opportunity to shadow a VBE at meetings.
  •         We can assist with additional training sessions for VBE hopefuls as needed.

Some of the benefits of accreditation through Babywearing International are a solid and well-rounded background on the 4 basic styles of babywearing (1 shouldered carriers, wraps, Asian baby carriers and soft structured carriers), more emphasis on practical application than other programs and the ability to receive your accreditation while you study the portions of babywearing that you are passionate about.

Our accredited educators receive continuing education on a monthly basis, support from Babywearing International in regards to group growth and library additions and liability insurance to protect you while you teach.

If you are interested in beginning the process of becoming a VBE, please contact us at or speak with one of our VBE Officers (Kate, Aisling, or Michelle).